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PHYSICS 1. Two sphere of mass m and M are situated in air and the gravitational force between them is F. The space around the masses is now filled with a liquid of specific gravity 3. The gravitational force will now be (A) F (B) F 3 (C) F 9 (D) 3 F 2. The Young's modulus of a wire of length L and radius r is Y N/m2 . If the length and radius are reduced to L/2 and r/2, then its Young's modulus will be (A) Y/2 (B) Y (C) 2Y (D) 4Y 3. A uniform wire is elongated by a stress of 106 Nm–2 and the strain produced is 10–4 . The energy per unit volume due to strain of the wire is (A) 108 Jm–3 (B) 5 × 105 Jm–3 (C) 50 Jm–3 (D) 100 Jm–3 4. The figure shows the motion of a planet around the sun in an elliptical orbit with sun at the focus. The shaded areas A and B are also shown in the figure which can be assumed to be equal. If 1 t and 2 t represent the time for the planet to move from a to b and d to c respectively, then S B d c A a b (A) t1 < t2 (B) t1 > t2 (C) t1 = t2 (D) t1  t2 5. The surface tension of soap solution is 0.03 N/m. The work done in blowing to form a soap bubble of surface area 40 cm2 is :- (A) 1.2 × 10–4 J (B) 2.4 × 10–4 J (C) 12 × 10–4 J (D) 24 × 10–4 J 6. A wooden block, with a coin placed on its top, floats in water as shown in figure. The distance l and h are shown there. After some time the coin falls into the water. Then (A) l decreases and h increases (B) l increases and h decreases (C) both l and h increases (D) both l and h decreases 7. The work done to get n smaller equal size spherical drops from a bigger size spherical drop of water is proportional to : (A) 2/ 3 1 –1 n       (B) 1/ 3 1 –1 n       (C) n 1/3 –1 (D) n 4/3 – 1 8. The distance of the centres of moon and earth is D. The mass of earth is 81 times the mass of the moon. At what distance from the centre of the earth, the gravitational force will be zero (A) D 2 (B) 2D 3 (C) 4D 3 (D) 9D 10 9. A ball is dropped from a spacecraft revolving around the earth at a height of 120 km. What will happen to the ball (A) It will continue to move with velocity v along the original orbit of spacecraft (B) It will move with the same speed tangentially to the spacecraft (C) It will fall down to the earth gradually (D) It will go very far in the space 10. Two water pipes P and Q having diameters 2×10–2 m and 4 × 10–2 m, respectively are joined in series with the main supply line of water. The velocity of water flowing in pipe P is : (A) 4 times that of Q (B) 2 times that of Q (C) 1⁄2 times that of Q (D) 1⁄4 times that of Q PW-AITS_NT-03
11. If the acceleration due to gravity at earth is ‘g’ and mass of earth is 80 times that of moon and radius of earth is 4 times that of moon, the value of acceleration due to gravity at the surface of moon will be :- (A) g (B) g/20 (C) g/5 (D) 320g 12. The ratio of the lengths of two wires A and B of same material is 1 : 2 and the ratio of their diameter is 2 : 1. They are stretched by the same force, then the ratio of increase in length will be (A) 2 : 1 (B) 1 : 4 (C) 1 : 8 (D) 8 : 1 13. A rectangular tank is placed on a horizontal ground and is filled with water to a height H above the base. A small hole is made on one vertical side at a depth D below the level of the water in the tank. The distance x from the bottom of the tank at which the water jet from the tank will hit the ground is : (A) 2 D H – D   (B) 2 DH (C) 2 D H D    (D) 1 DH 2 14. If the distance between two masses is doubled, the gravitational attraction between them (A) Is doubled (B) Becomes four times (C) Is reduced to half (D) Is reduced to a quarter 15. When the temperature increases, the viscosity of (A) gases decreases and liquid increases (B) gases increases and liquid decreases (C) gases and liquids increases (D) gases and liquids decreases 16. The depth d at which the value of acceleration due to gravity becomes n 1 times the value at the surface, is [R = radius of the earth] (A) R n (B) n –1 R n       (C) 2 R n (D) n R n 1        17. If a man at the equator would weight (3/5)th of his weight at the pole, then the angular speed of the earth would be (A) 2 g 5R (B) g R (C) R g (D) 2R 5 g 18. A thread is tied slightly loose to a wire frame as in figure and the frame is dipped into a soap solution and taken out. The frame is completely covered with the film. When the portion A is punctured with a pin, the thread (A) becomes concave towards A (B) becomes convex towards A (C) either (a) or (b) depending on the size of A with respect to B (D) remains in the initial position 19. In a capillary tube experiment, a vertical 30 cm long capillary tube is dipped in water. The water rises up to a height of 10cm due to capillary action. If this experiment is conducted in a freely falling elevator, the length of the water column becomes (A) 10 cm (B) 20 cm (C) 30 cm (D) zero 20. The gravitational potential at the centre of a square of side a and four equal masses (m each) placed at the comers of a square is : (A) 0 (B) Gm 4 2 a (C) Gm –4 2 a (D) 2 Gm –4 2 a 21. If mass of earth is M, radius is R and gravitational constant is G, then work done to take 1 kg mass from earth surface to infinity will be (A) GM 2R (B) GM R (C) 2GM R (D) GM 2R 22. The height of mercury barometer is h when the atmospheric pressure is 105 Pa. The pressure at x in the shown diagram is (A) 105 Pa (B) 0.8 × 105 Pa (C) 0.2 × 105 Pa (D) 120 × 105 Pa

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