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Mock Test 2 1. According to Joseph Juran, the most desirable sequence for TQM is: I. Develop a quality policy II. Establish a quality council III. Establish strategic quality goals IV. Train for internal audits a. II, I, III, IV b. II, III, I, IV c. III, II, I, IV d. I, II, III, IV 2. Which of the following quality system models is most often associated with Dr. Feigenbaum? a. Total Quality Control b. Total Quality Management c. Six Sigma d. Zero Defects 3. A review of the works of the major quality gurus would indicate which if the following to be the most effective way to ensure quality? a. Effective problem solving b. Benchmarking the best competitive practices c. Continuous improvement d. Modern statistical control techniques 4. According to the MBNQA Criteria, to whom should organizations make data and information available? a. The competition b. Only the workforce c. The workforce, suppliers, partners, collaborators, and customers, as appropriate d. Only the workforce and suppliers
5. Which of the following scenarios illustrates a situation in which an ethical decision is required? a. An SPC chart shows an out of control point that has a special cause of variation associated with it. You choose to ignore this data point when calculating new control limits. b. Your supervisor is out of town for two days and is typically the person in charge of approving travel requests. As the person left in charge, you decide to approve a travel request of one of your co-workers. c. If you use all 50 measurements in your calculation of theCpk, the process will not meet minimum requirements. Because you know the measurement tool had been dropped right before the last measurement, you decide to use all but the last measurement in the calculation. d. Five minutes before a meeting with the customer, the CEO tells you to avoid any discussions pertaining to last night’s production run. You walk into the meeting and your customer directly asks you about the results. 6. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, people are driven by their needs and wants and that all human needs can be roughly placed in a hierarchy, these levels of needs are: I. Safety and security II. Socialization III. Self-actualization IV. Ego V. Physiological The proper sequence from lower level to higher level needs is: a. I-IV-V-III-II b. V-IV-II-I-III c. V-I-II-III-IV d. V-I-II-IV-III 7. Hear the message, understand the meaning, and then verify the meaning by offering feedback both verbally and nonverbally. These are elements of: a. Modern communications b. Funneling technique c. Active listening d. Empathy
8. Which of the following should be the last step in the QFD approach and deployment steps: a. Evaluate the value of information gathered and evaluate the process b. Improve the process c. Analyze and understand the data using QFD matrix d. Employ the information in making decisions 9. A supplier survey: a. Is always conducted by the quality team b. Eliminates the need for inspecting incoming products c. Is done to determine what product lines the supplier has d. Is done to determine stability, quality systems, and management philosophy of the supplier 10. Which quality information system (QIS) product data element has the greatest impact on sample size? a. How the results will be used b. The frequency that results must be reported c. The allowable data error variation d. Who receives the results 11. Resistance to change resulting from an improvement project can cause failures. The project team might consider development of a plan to handle stakeholders. This plan is most likely to be termed: a. A communications plan b. A resistance plan c. A PERT chart d. A Gantt chart 12. The project management performance measure of time line is: a. A PERT chart because tasks and durations are shown as circles and lines b. A Gantt chart which shows task starting and ending dates along a common time axis c. PTTF (project time to finish) schedule because it shows project milestones d. A CPM chart with bars proportional in length to task durations 13. The primary reason for evaluating and maintaining surveillance over a supplier’s quality program is to: a. Perform product inspection at the source b. Eliminate incoming inspection costs c. Motivate suppliers to improve quality
d. Make sure the supplier’s quality program is functioning effectively 14. What key step would follow an evaluation of current practices against a benchmark? a. Identifying key performance factors b. Selecting performance criteria based on priorities c. Determining a leader in a critical performance area d. Undertaking significant changes to advance performance 15. An improvement team facilitator will normally: a. Distribute team meeting notes b. Make specific work assignments c. Function as the group leader d. Summarize key ideas generated by the group 16. The effective supervisor: a. Sees his/her role primarily as one of making people satisfied with the work b. Sometimes does a job himself because he/she can do it better than others c. Has objectives of growth and increased profit by working through other people d. Assumes the decision making function, but leaves personnel development to others 17. One would say that, from an overall perspective, the activities of a company are tied together by: a. Customers b. Stockholders c. Suppliers d. Process management 18. No one likes complaints, but they can be good for a company. Why? a. They state the customer’s needs b. They provide a second chance to improve c. They eliminate the need for inspection d. They cannot be ignored 19. In a process-based ISO 9000 quality management system, input requirements and feedback are provided by the: a. Quality manager b. Customers c. ISO registrar d. Suppliers

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