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1 BỘ BÀI TẬP VIẾT LẠI CÂU GIỮ NGUYÊN NGHĨA ( DÙNG ÔN HSG LỚP 10,11,12) REVIEW OF STRUCTURE SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION  Model 1 : Because /as/ since + clause ®Because of/ due to/ owing to + noun/ V-ing Because she behaves well, everybody loves her ®Because of her good behaviour, everybody loves her  Model 2 : although/ thought /even though + clause ®Despite /in spite of + Noun/ V-ing In spite of being tired, they stayed until they found out what happened ®Although they very tired, they ……  Model 3 : too + adj (for sb) + to-inf ®So + adj + that (clause) Such + (a/an adj) noun + that (clause) The box was too heavy that the children couldn’t carry it ®It was such a heavy box that the children coyldn’t carry it  Mode l 4 : too + adj (for sb) +to-inf ®Not + adj + enough (for sb) + to-inf Mary is too young to grt married ®Marry isn’t older enough to get married  Model 5 : adj + enough (for sb) + to-inf ®So + adj + that (clause) Such + (a/an adj) noun + that (clause) ®This question is easy enough for us to answer ®It is such an easy question thet we can answer  Model 6 : so + adj +that(clause) Such + (a/an adj)noun + that(clause) ®Too + adj (for sb) + to-inf Adj + enough (for sb) + to-inf It was such an interesting novel that I read it many times The noval was interesting enough for me to read many times  Model 7 : so + adj + that (clause) Such + (a/an adj ) noun + that (clause) The film was so good that I saw it three times ®It was such adj good film that I saw it three times  Mode l 8 : to-inf + be +adj It be adj to - inf How adj (it be) to - inf It be adj V – ing To sit here with you is so nice It's so nice to sit here with you it's so nice sitting here with you how nice it is to sit here with you  Mode l 9 : to-inf + be + adj /noun S + V + it + adj/noun + to-inf To live on my salary must be hard
2 I find it hard to on my salary  Model 10 : condition sentences a) I can't see the play because it is soiled oiut if the play weren’t soiled out, I could see it b) we didn’t go on holiday because we didn’t have enough money if we had had enoughj money we could have come on holiday  Model 11 : if … not unless Unless you phone me immediately, you’ll get some information If you phone me immediately, you will get some information  Model 12 : wish Future would if Past past perfect subjunctive Present past subjunctive a) My wife can't speak English I wish my wife could speak English b) what adj pity you failed in your driving test I wish you hadn’t failed in your driving test c) She won’t visit me again I wish she would visit me again  Model 13 : S + V (pre perfect) + time It is + time + since + clause (V-simple past) a) tom and marry have been married for 5 years it is 5 years since tom and marry got married b) I haven’t my parents for 1 month it's 1 month since I last saw my parents  Model 14 : S + have/has not + V(pp) … first time + S + have/has + pp I haven’t seen that man here before It's the first time I have seen that man here  Model 15 : S + have/has not + V(pp) + since/for S + last + V (past) + when (clause) The last times + S + was a) I haven’t heard him since August the last times I heard him was in August b) I haven’t seen him since I was a student the last times I saw him when I was a student  Model 16 : S + V (past) + ago S + have/has been + V-ing + since/for He started working for this factory a year ago He had been working for this factory since last year  Model 17 : S+V + ...time It take (O) + time + to-inf She typed the letter in 20 minutes It took her 20 minutes to type the letter  Model 18 : S + V + not + untill ….. It was not until… that…
3 Tom didn’t begin to read until he was eight It was not until tom was eight that he began to read  Model 19 : Causative form + Active : S + V + O S + have + O1 + inf + O2 (have S.O + doing ) Get to-inf I’ll have Tom wash my car I’ll get Tom to wash my car +Passive S + have/get + O + V(pp) (have S.th done) I’ll have the car washed I’ll get the car washed  Model 20 ; Passive form S + V + O S + be + V (pp) + (by…) No one has ever dicuss this question That question has never been dicussed  Model 21 : Rumour, find, believe, think, know, say, that ….. It + be + V (pp) + that … S2 + be + V (pp) + to-inf / to have + pp a) They think that the owner of the house is abroad it is though that the owner of the house is though to be abroad the owner of the house is though to be abroad b) people thoug that he had died in the battler it was though that he had died in the battle  Model 22 : adj /adv + er + than More + adj /adv + than more power to your elbow! Someone, They, people, The adj /adv + est The most + adj / adv No one in the group is younger than her She’s the youngest in the group  Model 23 : not + so / as +adj /adv + as Adj /adv + er + than Stone isn’t hard as iron Iron is harder than stone  Model 24 : clause 1 + clause 2 The comparative + the comparative The more + S+V + the more + S + V Less less As I get older, I want to travel less The older I get, the less travel I want  Model 25 : hardly (past perfect)…when Scarely (past perfect)…when No sooner (past perfect)… than
4 … no sooner (past perfect) … than he had no sooner seen me than he ran away he had hardly seen me when he ran away no sooner had he seen me than he ran away hardly he had seen me when he ran away  Model 26 : S + V = Auxilary + S +V … He didn't return to his native village until the war ended Not until the war ended, he dud return to his native village Never [không bao giờ] Seldom [hiếm khi] Not only … but also [không những… mà còn] Not until … [mãi cho tới khi ] Hardly… when [vừa mới ..rồi th.] Hardly ever [ít khi] Neither …nor [cũng không] Scarely … when… [vừa… rồi thì lại ] Only then/when [chỉ lúc đó] Only by [chỉ bằng cách ] Only after Ving or clause. Nowhere [không nơi nào] So…that … [đến nỗi mà] In no circumtances [không trường hợp nào ] On no acount [không vì lí do gì]  Model 27 : S+V (not) S + V (not) either Neither… nor He isn’t going to attend the meeting, I’m not either Neither he nor I am going to attend the meeting  Model 28 : why don’t you + V …? S + suggested + that (clause) (should + V) “why don’t you apply for the job,Ann ?” said Sue Mary suggestsd that Tom should apply for the job  Model 29 ; indirect speech a) Tom ask me, “what’s her name ?” Tom ask me what her name was b) she said: “are you hungry,Tom ?” she asked Tom if he was hungry c) Mary said to Tom “open the door, please” Mary asked Tom to open the door d) he said to them : “Don’t be latr tomorrow “ he told them not to be late tomorrow  Model 30 : S + V (past) V-ing (didn’t ) not V-ing (had + pp) having + pp Tom had failed twice, so he didn’t want to try again Having failed twice, he didn't want to try again  Model 31 : S + cannot + inf

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